LatestVersion: 0.50a | Community: 0.70b
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Get eMule at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads
Rating and Score HelpNAV

The Queue list shows the clients currently waiting for an upload slot. This list is shown by pressing the button above the lower pane in the Transfers tab, it will cycle from Uploading to On Queue to Known Clients to Downloading, and back to Uploading.
Most of the values shown are reasonably self-explainatory except Rating and Score.


Initially each client on queue has a rating of 100. After that, multipliers are applied to it. Some of these are below 1, and will therefore decrease the rating, while others are above 1 and will increase the rating:

Modifier: x0
Banned users get no Rating and thus no upload slot.
Low ID
Modifier: none [x0.8]
Versions prior v.27a assigned a modifier of 0.8 to low ID users. This has been dropped.
Modifier: none [x1.5]
The bonus of x1.5 for being already connected has been dropped with v.27a+.
Modifier: x1 - x10
The credit system calculates this major modifier according to the upload / download ratio.
File priority for shared files
Modifier: x0.2 - x1.8
Users requesting a file for download will receive a modifier according to the chosen share priority of the file.
  • Release: x1.8 [x5]
  • High: x0.9 [x2]
  • Normal: x0.7 [x1]
  • Low: x0.6 [x0.5]
  • Very Low: x0.2 [x0.2]
Old Version Penalty
Modifier: x0.5
Emule versions prior v.20a cause high network load and get a penalty

A client has earned a credit modifier of x8 by uploading much. He is requesting a file with a high priority. His total Rating will be: 100 x 8 x 0.9 = 720


The score is calculated with the same modifiers as described in Rating but also takes the waiting time of the client into consideration. The score determines the allocation of free upload slots. Clients with high scores and *** after the value are next to receive an upload slot.
The formula to calculate the score is:

Score = Rating x [Waiting time in the queue [s]] / 100

Clients with a total modifier > 1 will have a yellow client icon.

Translate this page Last Update: 02.02.2006 18:53
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